首页> 外文期刊>Plant disease management reports PDMR >Evaluation of fungicides for control of foliar and fruit diseases in Niagara grapes, 2012

Evaluation of fungicides for control of foliar and fruit diseases in Niagara grapes, 2012


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The experiment was conducted in a mature vineyard at the Clarksville Horticulture Experiment Station in Clarksville, MI. Vines were spaced at 6 x 10 ft and were cordon trained and hand pruned. Treatments were applied to 4-vine plots and were replicated 4 times in a randomized complete block design. Sprays were applied using a Farmco research skid-mounted sprayer equipped with six 5 gal tanks, a 12-volt 3.8-gpm diaphragm pump set at 55 psi, and an XR TeeJet 8002VS nozzle on a 5-ft spray boom. Spray volume was 50 gpa on 6 Jun and 75 gpa thereafter. Spray dates and approximate phenological stages were as follows: 6 Jun (5-10 inch shoots), 22 Jun (1st post-bloom), 6 Jul (2nd post-bloom), 20 Jul (3rd post-bloom; bunch closure), 8 Aug (4th post-bloom). Disease ratings were conducted on the following dates: 11 Sep (powdery mildew, downy mildew and black rot on leaves) and 9 Oct (black rot and Phomopsis on clusters). In all cases, 25 random samples per plot were selected for rating. Disease evaluation included incidence (% clusters or leaves with any level of infection) and severity (% cluster or leaf infected on diseased samples only). Overall severity in each case was calculated as (incidence x severity)/100. Treatments were observed for phytotoxicity throughout the season.
机译:该实验是在密歇根州克拉克斯维尔的克拉克斯维尔园艺实验站的一个成熟葡萄园中进行的。藤蔓的间距为6 x 10英尺,并经过警戒线训练和手工修剪。将处理应用于4个葡萄藤地块,并在随机完整区组设计中重复4次。使用Farmco研究用撬装式喷雾器进行喷雾,该喷雾器配备有6个5加仑的水箱,在55 psi下设置的12伏3.8 gpm隔膜泵和在5英尺喷杆上的XR TeeJet 8002VS喷嘴。 6月6日的喷雾量为50 gpa,此后为75 gpa。喷洒日期和大致的物候阶段如下:6月6日(5-10英寸芽),6月22日(开花后的第一天),7月6日(开花后的第二天),7月20日(开花后的第三天;束关闭), 8月8日(盛开后第4次)。在以下日期进行疾病评级:9月11日(粉状霉,霜霉病和黑腐病在叶子上)和10月9日(黑腐病和拟南芥在簇上)。在所有情况下,每个地块均选择25个随机样本进行评级。疾病评估包括发病率(任何感染水平的簇或叶的百分比)和严重程度(仅在患病样品上感染的簇或叶的百分比)。每种情况下的总体严重度计算为(发生率x严重度)/ 100。整个季节都观察到了植物毒性的治疗方法。



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