首页> 外文期刊>Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture: An International Journal on in Vitro Culture of Higher Plants >A putative maize zinc-finger protein gene, ZmAN13, participates in abiotic stress response

A putative maize zinc-finger protein gene, ZmAN13, participates in abiotic stress response


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The maize ZnF-AN1 gene family has been phylogenetically studied. Here, we tried to characterize the possible function of ZmAN13, a putative member of the maize ZnF-AN1 gene family. The results showed that ZmAN13 had only one copy in the maize genome. The expression of ZmAN13 was higher in leaves than other organs and was induced by cold and abscisic acid (ABA), but down-regulated by NaCl. ZmAN13 protein fused to GFP was localized in cytoplast and also in the nucleus in both Arabidopsis protoplast and onion epidermic cells although no transcription factor activity was detected in the yeast system. Yeast two hybrid experiments demonstrated that the conserved A20 and AN1 domains of the ZmAN13 interacted with each other. Moreover, the conserved A20 domain of the ZmAN13 interacted with itself, but the AN1 domain could not. Overexpression of ZmAN13 in Arabidopsis conferred tolerance to cold, but increased their salt and drought sensitivity at seed germination and seedling stage compared to the wild-type.
机译:玉米ZnF-AN1基因家族已进行系统发育研究。在这里,我们试图表征玉米ZnF-AN1基因家族的推测成员ZmAN13的可能功能。结果显示ZmAN13在玉米基因组中仅具有一个拷贝。 ZmAN13在叶片中的表达高于其他器官,并受冷和脱落酸(ABA)诱导,但被NaCl下调。与GFP融合的ZmAN13蛋白位于拟南芥原生质体和洋葱表皮细胞的细胞质中以及细胞核中,尽管在酵母系统中未检测到转录因子活性。至少两个杂交实验表明,ZmAN13的保守A20和AN1结构域彼此相互作用。此外,ZmAN13的保守A20结构域与自身相互作用,但AN1结构域却不相互作用。与野生型相比,ZmAN13在拟南芥中的过表达赋予了对寒冷的耐受性,但在种子萌发和幼苗期增加了其对盐和干旱的敏感性。



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