首页> 外文期刊>Physics of fluids >Dynamics of many bodies in a liquid: Added-mass tensor of compounded bodies and systems with a fast oscillating body

Dynamics of many bodies in a liquid: Added-mass tensor of compounded bodies and systems with a fast oscillating body


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An explicit set of ordinary differential equations that approximately describe the dynamics of many rigid bodies (without any hypothesis on their geometry) inside an ideal fluid is presented. Two applications of these equations are made. At first, it is shown how to use these equations to compute the added-mass tensor of a single body made up of simpler units (like spheres, cylinders, and ellipsoids). Then the hydrodynamic force and torque that a small-amplitude fast oscillating body induces on another body that can freely move in its vicinity is computed. The noticeable result is that if the free body is sufficiently far from the oscillating one then the averaged interaction force is attractive if and only if the density of the free body is larger than the density of the fluid. Finally, computations for a pendulum system are presented. It seems that the latter system is suitable for experimentation. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics. [References: 19]
机译:给出了一组明确的常微分方程组,这些方程组近似描述了理想流体中许多刚体的动力学(在几何学上没有任何假设)。这些方程式有两个应用。首先,显示了如何使用这些方程来计算由更简单的单位(例如球体,圆柱体和椭球体)组成的单个物体的附加质量张量。然后,计算出一个小幅度快速振荡的物体在另一个可以在其附近自由运动的物体上产生的流体动力和扭矩。值得注意的结果是,如果自由体与振动体相距足够远,则当且仅当自由体的密度大于流体的密度时,平均相互作用力才具有吸引力。最后,介绍了摆系统的计算。似乎后一种系统适合进行实验。 (C)2002美国物理研究所。 [参考:19]



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