首页> 中文期刊> 《管子学刊》 >'荀'、'孔'危机与中国近世精神纬度——从一个侧面看二十世纪初新文化运动的必然




清末政治的内忧外患及文化思想上西学的冲击,动摇了中国传统的道德礼教与伦理纲常.受过西方思潮与科学进步影响的近代知识分子清醒地认识到,中国的危难并非晚清独遇的社会政治危机,而是千古未有的文化危机.鼓吹维新,废除礼教,开启民智,振兴中国,成为维新君子的神圣职责.反礼教、排苟儒成为反封建专制首先揭橥的精神旗纛.此后,排苟思潮上升为反孔,直接71发了以"打倒孔家店"为中心的五四新文化运动,宣告了两千年封建专制制度的解体,同时建构了以国家、平等、民主、自由为中心的中国近现代精神.%The home and international political crisis in Qing Dynasty as well as the impact of western culture upon Chinese culture shattered Chinese traditional ethics and morality. Modern intellectuals influenced by western culture and advanced science were clearly aware that this calamity was not a so-cial political crisis encountered by late Qing Dynasty alone, but an unprecedented cultural crisis. It be-came a sacred mission for reformers to preach reform, abolish ritualistic Confucianism, enlighten peo-ple and make China strong. Anti--ritualistic--Confucianism and anti--Xunian--Confucianism became the main targets for anti--feudal dictatorship. Since then, the wave of anti--Xun--Tzu was upgraded into anti--Confucius, which led to May--Fourth New Cultural Movement centered around "Overthro-wing the Study of Confucius" and thus symbolized the collapse of 2000--year feudal system and estab-lished Chinese modern spirituality centered around nation, equality, democracy and freedom



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