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A contingent valuation study of scuba diving benefits: Case study in Mu Ko Similan Marine National Park, Thailand

机译:水肺潜水收益的或有估值研究:以泰国Mu Ko Similan海洋国家公园为例

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Coral reefs, a major source of marine tourism, are under threat worldwide due to human activities. There is an urgent need for information that could be used to promote efficient marine park management. In this study the economic benefits associated with scuba diving in Mu Ko Similan Marine National Park, Thailand, is estimated using a single- and double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation survey design. The results indicate that divers are willing to pay about USS27.07-62.64 per person per annum on average, resulting in aggregate benefits of between US$932,940 and US$2.1 million per annum. The present value of these aggregate benefits ranges between US$31 and US$71 million, using a social discount rate of 3%. The policy implications for park management are discussed.
机译:珊瑚礁是海洋旅游的主要来源,由于人类活动而在全球范围内受到威胁。迫切需要可用于促进有效的海洋公园管理的信息。在这项研究中,使用单界和双界二分选择或有条件估值调查设计估算了泰国Mu Ko Similan海洋国家公园与水肺潜水相关的经济利益。结果表明,潜水员愿意平均每年每人支付约US $ 27.07-62.64,因此每年总共可得到932,940美元至210万美元的收益。这些总收益的现值介于31美元至7100万美元之间,使用3%的社会贴现率。讨论了公园管理的政策含义。



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