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When the Good Guys Go Bad


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As he sips tea on a dusty mat beneath the sparse shade of a thorn tree, Ahmed Hatum Shiib Ahmed recalls the day in early 2006 when his tribal village in Darfur was attacked. Men in desert-beaten pickups with mounted guns swept in at noon, strafing the market and shooting villagers. Then just as quickly, the fighters withdrew to the outskirts, cordoning the village and trapping its inhabitants. In the days that followed, they terrorized the villagers. They stole cattle and camels, eating what they needed and sending the rest on long caravans to distant markets for sale. One by one, over grievances large and small, 20 villagers were killed. On donkey and on foot, the besieged inhabitants stole away in the nights, making the arduous trip across the rock-strewn landscape in search of a safer place. "At times like this, a family has lost all of its resources," says Ahmed, a tribal elder.
机译:艾哈迈德·哈图姆·希伯·艾哈迈德(Ahmed Hatum Shiib Ahmed)在荆棘稀疏的树荫下的尘土飞扬的垫子上tea饮茶时,回想起2006年初那一天,他的达尔富尔部落村庄遭到袭击。中午,骑着枪支打着沙漠的拾荒者中的男人扫了进去,扫荡了市场,开枪射击了村民。然后,战士们以同样快的速度撤到郊区,封锁村庄并困住居民。在随后的日子里,他们吓坏了村民。他们偷走了牛和骆驼,吃了他们需要的东西,然后把剩下的放在长途大篷车上送到遥远的市场出售。在大大小小的不满中,一个又一个地杀害了20个村民。被驴包围和步行的被困居民在夜里偷走了,艰难地穿越岩石环绕的风景,寻找更安全的地方。 “在这样的时候,一个家庭已经失去了全部资源,”部落长老艾哈迈德说。



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