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Not a Watt to Be Wasted


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You won't feel comfortable or fashionable walking around with Max Donelan's invention strapped to your knee. The bulky 3.5-lb. (1.6 kg) gadget "is not that pleasant," says Arthur Kuo, a biomedical engineer at the University of Michigan, who co-wrote an article on the brace that appeared in Science last month. But Donelan's device pays off in other ways. Using the same principles that allow hybrid cars to recycle energy created in braking, braces worn on both knees can generate 5 watts of electricity by harvesting the energy inherent in a walker's stride. That may not sound like much, but it's enough to charge 10 cell phones, and it's absolutely free. "People like the idea of generating their own power," says Donelan, a kinesiologist at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia. "If you do things in a clever way, you can get energy cheaply."
机译:Max Donelan的发明绑在膝盖上,您不会感到舒适或时髦。笨重的3.5磅密歇根大学的生物医学工程师Arthur Kuo说,(1.6千克)小工具“并不那么令人愉悦”,他撰写了一篇有关支架的文章,该文章上个月出现在《科学》杂志上。但是Donelan的设备可以通过其他方式获得回报。使用允许混合动力汽车回收制动中产生的能量的相同原理,双膝上戴着的支架通过收集步行者步幅中固有的能量可以产生5瓦特的电能。听起来可能并不多,但是足以为10部手机充电,而且完全免费。 “人们喜欢产生自己的力量的想法,”不列颠哥伦比亚省西蒙·弗雷泽大学的运动学专家多尼兰说。 “如果您以一种聪明的方式做事,您可以廉价地获得能源。”



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