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Population monotonic path schemes for simple games


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A path scheme for a game is composed of a path, i.e., a sequence of coalitions that is formed during the coalition formation process and a scheme, i.e., a payoff vector for each coalition in the path. A path scheme is called population mono-tonic if a player's payoff does not decrease as the path coalition grows. In this study, we focus on Shapley path schemes of simple games in which for every path coalition the Shapley value of the associated subgame provides the allocation at hand. Obviously, each Shapley path scheme of a game is population monotonic if and only if the Shapley allocation scheme of the game is population monotonic in the sense of Sprumont (Games Econ Behav 2:378-394,1990). We prove that a simple game allows for population monotonic Shapley path schemes if and only if the game is balanced. Moreover, the Shapley path scheme of a specific path is population monotonic if and only if the first winning coalition that is formed along the path contains every minimal winning coalition. We also show that each Shapley path scheme of a simple game is population monotonic if and only if the set of veto players of the game is a winning coalition. Extensions of these results to other efficient probabilistic values are discussed.
机译:游戏的路径方案由路径(即在联盟形成过程中形成的一系列联盟)和方案(即路径中每个联盟的收益向量)组成。如果玩家的收益不随路径联盟的增长而减少,则该路径方案称为人口单调。在这项研究中,我们重点研究简单游戏的Shapley路径方案,其中对于每个路径联盟,相关子游戏的Shapley值都提供了手头的分配。显然,当且仅当游戏的Shapley分配方案在Sprumont的意义上是种群单调时,每个游戏的Shapley路径方案都是种群单调的(Games Econ Behav 2:378-394,1990)。我们证明,当且仅当游戏平衡时,一个简单的游戏才允许总体单调的Shapley路径方案。此外,当且仅当沿着该路径形成的第一个获胜联盟包含每个最小获胜联盟时,特定路径的Shapley路径方案才是人口单调的。我们还证明,简单游戏的每个Shapley路径方案都是人口单调的,且前提是该游戏的否决权玩家组是获胜联盟。讨论了将这些结果扩展到其他有效概率值的方法。



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