首页> 外文期刊>Social Studies of Science >Masters and Servants: The Contrasting Roles of Scientists in Island Management

Masters and Servants: The Contrasting Roles of Scientists in Island Management


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This study examines how different scientific regimes have contributed differently to the way two Western Australian islands are managed. Rottnest Island and Garden Island are located off the coast of Perth, the capital of Western Australia. This paper contrasts the way science was conducted on Rottnest from the 1950s to 1970s, and this is contrasted with the way it was done on Garden Island in the 1970s and 1980s. On Rottnest, zoology and medicine were detached from the island management, yet impacted upon the island landscape. On Garden Island, ecology and geography were integrated with, and served, management. Differences in the social and political context of the times, and between the philosophical approaches and cultures of the scientists, are shown to have created different roles for scientists in the management of the islands, and illustrate the on-going dialectic between two scientific cultures, one a culture of biomedical abstraction on Rottnest, and the other a culture of pragmatic holism on Garden Island.
机译:这项研究探讨了不同的科学制度如何对两个西澳大利亚群岛的管理方式做出不同的贡献。罗特尼斯岛(Rottnest Island)和花园岛(Garden Island)位于西澳大利亚州首府珀斯(Perth)沿海。本文对比了从1950年代到1970年代在Rottnest开展科学活动的方式,并与在1970年代和1980年代在花园岛进行科学活动的方式形成了对比。在罗特尼斯(Rottnest),将生态学和医学从岛屿管理中分离出来,但却影响了岛屿景观。在花园岛,生态学和地理学与管理相结合并为之服务。事实表明,时代的社会和政治背景以及科学家的哲学方法和文化之间的差异为科学家在岛屿管理中发挥了不同的作用,并说明了两种科学文化之间正在进行的辩证法,一种是Rottnest上的生物医学抽象文化,另一种是Garden Island上的务实整体主义文化。



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