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Facilitating The Analysis Of A Uk National Blood Service Supply Chain Using Distributed Simulation


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In an attempt to investigate blood unit ordering policies, researchers have created a discrete-event model of the UK National Blood Service (NBS) supply chain in the Southampton area of the UK. The model has been created using Simul8, a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) discrete-event simulation package (CSP). However, as more hospitals were added to the model, it was discovered that the length of time needed to perform a single simulation severely increased. It has been claimed that distributed simulation, a technique that uses the resources of many computers to execute a simulation model, can reduce simulation runtime. Further, an emerging standardized approach exists that supports distributed simulation with CSPs. These CSP Interoperability (CSPI) standards are compatible with the IEEE 1516 standard, the High Level Architecture (HLA), the de facto interoperability standard for distributed simulation. To investigate if distributed simulation can reduce the execution time of NBS supply chain simulation, this paper presents experiences of creating a distributed version of the CSP Simul8 according to the CSPI/HLA standards. It shows that the distributed version of the simulation does indeed run faster when the model reaches a certain size. Further, we argue that understanding the relationship of model features is key to performance. This is illustrated by experimentation with two different protocols implementations (using Time Advance Request (TAR) and Next Event Request (NER)). Our contribution is therefore the demonstration that distributed simulation is a useful technique in the timely execution of supply chains of this type and that careful analysis of model features can further increase performance.
机译:为了调查血液单位订购政策,研究人员在英国南安普敦地区创建了英国国家血液服务(NBS)供应链的离散事件模型。该模型是使用Simul8(商业现成的(COTS)离散事件仿真程序包(CSP))创建的。但是,随着模型中增加了更多的医院,人们发现执行单个模拟所需的时间会大大增加。有人声称,分布式仿真是一种使用许多计算机的资源来执行仿真模型的技术,可以减少仿真的运行时间。此外,存在一种新兴的标准化方法,该方法支持使用CSP进行分布式仿真。这些CSP互操作性(CSPI)标准与IEEE 1516标准,高级体系结构(HLA)兼容,后者是分布式仿真的实际互操作性标准。为了研究分布式仿真是否可以减少NBS供应链仿真的执行时间,本文介绍了根据CSPI / HLA标准创建分布式版本的CSP Simul8的经验。它表明,当模型达到一定大小时,仿真的分布式版本确实运行得更快。此外,我们认为理解模型特征的关系是性能的关键。通过试验两种不同的协议实现(使用时间提前请求(TAR)和下一事件请求(NER))来说明这一点。因此,我们的贡献在于证明分布式仿真是及时执行此类供应链的有用技术,并且仔细分析模型特征可以进一步提高性能。



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