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Research on the Prediction of the State-of-health of Starting Batteries of Diesel Engines


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A study of state-of-health (SOH) prediction for diesel engine generator starting batteries is presented, the main purpose of which is to analyze the battery's state using the relationship between AC impedance and voltage. A sensing system capable of detecting battery open-circuit voltage and discharge current has been designed. The respective AC impedances at 100 and 50% battery SOH were obtained from a monitoring system, and linear regression was used to predict battery SOH. A new GS GTX7A-12B lead acid battery was used in the experiments and the results showed that there was a 11.265% difference between the actual battery SOH and that predicted by linear regression.
机译:提出了对柴油发电机启动电池的健康状态(SOH)预测的研究,其主要目的是利用交流阻抗和电压之间的关系来分析电池的状态。设计了一种能够检测电池开路电压和放电电流的传感系统。从监视系统获得100%和50%电池SOH的相应交流阻抗,并使用线性回归预测电池SOH。实验中使用了新的GS GTX7A-12B铅酸电池,结果表明实际电池SOH与线性回归预测的电池SOH之间存在11.265%的差异。



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