首页> 外文期刊>Schizophrenia Bulletin >Can Antistigma Campaigns Be Improved? A Test of the Impact of Biogenetic Vs Psychosocial Causal Explanations on Implicit and Explicit Attitudes to Schizophrenia

Can Antistigma Campaigns Be Improved? A Test of the Impact of Biogenetic Vs Psychosocial Causal Explanations on Implicit and Explicit Attitudes to Schizophrenia


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Antistigma campaigns have been promoting a medical view of schizophrenia. Given the growing body of research finding negative associations between biogenetic (BG) causal attributions and stigmatizing attitudes, this approach must be reappraised. The present study investigates the impact of different psychoeducational interventions on the etiology of schizophrenia (BG and psychosocial [PS], vs a neutral condition) and on stigmatizing attitudes in medical (n = 60) and psychology students (n = 61). Information was presented via information brochures and a video presentation. Attitudes were assessed before and after the interventions on an explicit level using the stereotype questionnaire and the Social Distance Scale as well as on an implicit level, using the Implicit Association Test. Both educational interventions produced a significant decrease in several stereotype components, which was not the case in the neutral condition. The BG intervention decreased the attribution of blame in both groups. It also decreased the stereotype unpredictability/incompetence and social distance in the medical students but increased the negative outlook on prognosis in the psychology students. The PS intervention reduced the widespread stereotype of dangerousness as well as social distance in the group of medical students. While further research into antistigma interventions is necessary, the proposal for antistigma campaigns is to take a multidimensional and balanced approach, which is adapted to target groups and provides additional facts that challenge the myths maintaining stigma.
机译:反耻辱运动一直在促进精神分裂症的医学观点。鉴于越来越多的研究发现生物遗传(BG)因果归因和污名化态度之间存在负相关关系,因此必须重新评估这种方法。本研究调查了不同的心理教育干预对精神分裂症的病因学(BG和心理社会[PS],相对于中性状态)的影响,以及对医学生(n = 60)和心理学学生(n = 61)的侮辱态度的影响。通过信息手册和视频演示介绍了信息。使用刻板印象问卷和社会距离量表,在干预之前和之后的态度上进行显式评估,并使用内隐联想测验在隐性上对态度进行评估。两种教育干预措施均导致某些刻板印象成分的显着减少,而在中性条件下则并非如此。 BG干预降低了两组的责任归因。这也减少了医学生的刻板印象不可预测性/无能和社交距离,但增加了心理学生对预后的负面看法。 PS干预减少了医学生群体中普遍存在的危险性刻板印象以及社交距离。尽管有必要进一步研究反污名干预措施,但反污名运动的建议是采取多维,平衡的方法,该方法适用于目标人群,并提供了其他挑战,挑战了维持污名化的神话。



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