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Practical Handbook of Earth Science


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When I first became involved in science, the reference book one went for was the Rubber Book or to give it the correct name the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. This was first published by the Chemical Rubber Company in 1913 (Veazey and Hodgman, 1913). From this have come the CRC Press and a vast range of scientific handbooks and textbooks. This appears to be their first, specifically, earth science title, although they have a long list in environmental science. The scope of this book is wider than I expected. It starts with a very full account of SI units and constants, which is useful in its own right. The handbook then starts with elements, their abundance and radioactivity. Then the solar system is considered. This is followed by global geophysics. The main parts of the earth from core to crust, water, both salt and fresh and the atmosphere follow. Restless earth covers tectonics, earthquakes and volcanism and geological time. Rocks and minerals are then described. The last section is on natural resources. The various sections consist of text explaining particular issues, topics and occurrences. There are lot of tables of data. (This is where I had a problem; the tables have a grey background which makes them difficult to read in poor light, and in the interest of fuel conservation, many of the places I sit to read are poorly lit). To help with using the book, some acronyms and abbreviations are listed and a Greek alphabet provided. There is a bibliography and a good index.
机译:当我第一次涉足科学领域时,人们去找的参考书是《橡胶书》,或者给它起了正确的名字《化学与物理手册》。该书最早于1913年由化学橡胶公司出版(Veazey和Hodgman,1913年)。 CRC出版社以及众多科学手册和教科书由此而来。这似乎是他们的第一个,特别是地球科学的称号,尽管他们在环境科学中有很长的名单。这本书的范围比我预期的要广。它从非常完整的SI单位和常数开始,这本身就很有用。然后,手册从元素,元素的丰度和放射性开始。然后考虑太阳系。其次是全球地球物理学。从核心到地壳的地球主要部分,水,盐和新鲜气体以及大气层随之而来。不安定的地球覆盖了构造,地震,火山活动和地质时期。然后描述岩石和矿物。最后一部分是关于自然资源的。各部分包括解释特定问题,主题和事件的文字。有很多数据表。 (这是我遇到的问题;桌子的背景为灰色,很难在光线不足的情况下阅读,并且出于节省燃料的考虑,我坐在阅读的许多地方光线不足。)为了帮助使用本书,列出了一些首字母缩写词和缩写,并提供了希腊字母。有书目和良好的索引。



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