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An integrated architecture for future car generations


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The DECOS architecture is an integrated architecture that builds upon the validated services of a time-triggered network, which serves as a shared resource for the communication activities of more than one application subsystem. In addition, encapsulated partitions are used to share the computational resources of Electronic Control Units (ECUs) among software modules of multiple application subsystems. This paper investigates the benefits of the DECOS architecture as an electronic infrastructure for future car generations. The shift to an integrated architecture will result in quantifiable cost reductions in the areas of system hardware cost and system development. In the paper we present a current federated Fiat car E/E architecture and discuss a possible mapping to an integrated solution based on the DECOS architecture. The proposed architecture provides a foundation for mixed criticality integration with both safety-critical and non safety-critical subsystems. In particular, this architecture supports applications up to the highest criticality classes (10~(-9) failures per hour), thereby taking into account the emerging dependability requirements of by-wire functionality in the automotive industry.
机译:DECOS体系结构是一种集成的体系结构,它建立在经过时间触发的网络的已验证服务的基础上,该网络充当了多个应用程序子系统的通信活动的共享资源。另外,封装的分区用于在多个应用子系统的软件模块之间共享电子控制单元(ECU)的计算资源。本文研究了DECOS架构作为未来汽车一代的电子基础设施的好处。向集成架构的转变将导致系统硬件成本和系统开发领域中可量化的成本降低。在本文中,我们介绍了当前的联邦菲亚特汽车E / E架构,并讨论了到基于DECOS架构的集成解决方案的可能映射。所提出的体系结构为安全关键子系统和非安全关键子系统的混合关键性集成提供了基础。尤其是,该体系结构支持最高关键等级的应用程序(每小时发生10〜(-9)次故障),从而考虑了汽车行业对线控功能不断出现的可靠性要求。



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