首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary International >Harvesting tools and the spread of the Neolithic into the Central-Western Mediterranean area

Harvesting tools and the spread of the Neolithic into the Central-Western Mediterranean area


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This paper discusses the current state of research on harvesting technologies of the first farming communities of the central and western Mediterranean area between ca. 6000-5900 cal BC and 4800-4700 cal BC. New data obtained from the analysis of almost 40 sites from the Italian Peninsula is compared with data previously collected from the Iberian Peninsula and southern France. Results indicate the existence of at least two different harvesting traditions, one characterized by curved sickles used for harvesting at a low or middle height; the other characterized by reaping knives with parallel hafted blades, probably mainly used for ear harvesting. Processes of innovation and change have been highlighted, suggesting that harvesting techniques changed and evolved through time. Besides, the mechanism and pace of diffusion of curved sickles have been explored, too. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
机译:本文讨论了地中海中部和西部之间第一个农业社区的采伐技术研究的现状。公元前6000-5900年和公元前4800-4700年。通过对意大利半岛近40个站点​​的分析获得的新数据与先前从伊比利亚半岛和法国南部收集的数据进行了比较。结果表明至少存在两种​​不同的采伐传统,一种以低或中等高度的采伐用弯镰为特征。另一个特点是用平行的带柄刀片收割刀,可能主要用于收获耳朵。创新和变化的过程已得到强调,表明收获技术随着时间而变化和发展。此外,还探索了弯曲镰刀的扩散机理和速度。 (C)2017爱思唯尔有限公司和INQUA。版权所有。



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