
Constructing Survey Data: An Interactional Approach


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It was the title of this book that attracted my attention, by proposing a novel twist - an interactional approach - to survey research. While the authors' arguments about the importance of attending to social interactional processes in data generation are likely to be well-known to many qualitative researchers, two categories of reader may find this book of particular interest. The first category are those who (unlike me) already have some knowledge of quantitative research, and who want to delve more deeply into the issues of survey data, especially for mixed methods research. The book provides lots of operational support and guidance that will sensitize interviewers to ideas about data co-construction and social interaction. Second, those involved in teaching research methods will find it useful for highlighting these same issues to their students. The book offers great material for developing into interactive learning sessions. Below I provide a short summary of the book's main argument, its structure, and what it offers particularly as a practical teaching resource.



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