首页> 外文期刊>Nicotine & Tobacco Research >Does a Failed Quit Attempt Reduce Cigarette Consumption Following Resumption of Smoking? The Effects of Time and Quit Attempts on the Longitudinal Analysis of Self-Reported Cigarette Smoking Intensity

Does a Failed Quit Attempt Reduce Cigarette Consumption Following Resumption of Smoking? The Effects of Time and Quit Attempts on the Longitudinal Analysis of Self-Reported Cigarette Smoking Intensity


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California Tobacco Survey respondents were asked the intensity of their cigarette smoking 1 year previously and at the time of the survey. Respondents reported a generally lower smoking intensity at survey time compared with 1 year previously. Multivariable statistical models on the change in smoking intensity in the past year were fitted to assess the effects of low-tar cigarette use, a quit attempt in the past year, smoking intensity 1 year previously, and demographic variables (age, education, income, and race). The most important predictor of change in intensity was the intensity 1 year previously. The next most important predictor was whether a quit attempt had been made in the previous year. The demographic variables also were found to have a significant effect, although their effects were of smaller magnitude. Low-tar cigarette use was not a significant predictor of change in intensity in multivariable analysis. The effect of a quit attempt on the reduction in intensity of smoking suggests that periods of cessation may reduce the intensity of smoking and the level of addiction for several months following relapse. Consequently, it may be important to control for cessation activity in studies comparing exposures from conventional tobacco products to exposures from new products that purport to offer lower harm.



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