首页> 外文期刊>Natural language & linguistic theory >The morpho-syntax of silent wh-expressions in Wolof

The morpho-syntax of silent wh-expressions in Wolof


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This paper analyzes the morphology and syntax of wh-expressions and agreeing complementizers in Wolof, an Atlantic language. I argue that Wolof possesses a set of null wh-expressions, in addition to a set of overt ones. The null wh-expressions occur in a relative clause-like construction in which they trigger agreement on a complementizer. I examine the properties of the null wh-expressions and compare them to their overt counterparts in Wolof. I provide evidence that the null wh-expressions, like the overt ones, move successive cyclically, and may trigger agreement on intermediate complementizers that occur in the movement pathway. I also compare the Wolof construction to a superficially similar complementizer agreement construction in the Bantu language Kinande, and to null operators in German and wh-drop in Dutch.
机译:本文分析了大西洋语言Wolof中wh表达式和常用补语的形态和语法。我认为Wolof除了一组公开的wh表达式外,还具有一组null的wh表达式。无效的wh表达式出现在类似子句的构造中,在这种构造中,它们触发补语上的一致。我检查了null wh-expressions的属性,并将它们与Wolof中明显的对等表达式进行比较。我提供的证据表明,空的wh表达式(如明显的wh表达式)会周期性地连续移动,并可能触发运动路径中出现的中间补体的一致性。我还将Wolof构造与班图语Kinande的表面上类似的补充协议构造进行比较,并将德语的空运算符与荷兰的wh-drop进行比较。



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