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New Ventures in Virtual Worlds


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Virtual worlds are becoming increasingly sophisticated, enabling organizations and individuals to "step into the internet." A virtual world is a computer-based simulated environment where individuals assume an identity as an avatar. Avatars inhabit the virtual worlds and interact with each other via computer-based chat or more recently, voice. Virtual worlds are common in multiplayer online games (such as Citypixel), virtual environments (such as Second Life), and role-playing games (such as Lineage). Due to increasing broadband internet access, virtual worlds are rapidly emerging as an alternative means to the real world for communicating, collaborating, and organizing economic activity. For example, one of the most popular teen worlds, Habbo Hotel, has approximately 7.5 million unique users; and Cyworld, a combination of Second Life and MySpace, has more video traffic than YouTube and boasts that 96 percent of all 20- to 30-year-olds in Korea are users. In the virtual world Second Life, more than 50 multinational organizations, such as Adidas, BMW, IBM, and Vodafone conduct operations; Harvard is holding classes; over 400 individuals earn more than USD 2,000 in net profit monthly through their online activities; and Anshe Chung, the avatar for a Chinese-born woman living in Germany with 25 employees in China, became the first USD millionaire resulting from her virtual real estate activities. Companies such as Protonmedia and Qwaq provide Fortune 500 companies, such as Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Motorola, Intel, completely secure, private virtual business worlds to collaborate and conduct economic activities.
机译:虚拟世界变得越来越复杂,使组织和个人能够“进入互联网”。虚拟世界是一个基于计算机的模拟环境,其中个人将身份视为化身。头像生活在虚拟世界中,并通过基于计算机的聊天或最近通过语音进行交互。虚拟世界在多人在线游戏(例如Citypixel),虚拟环境(例如Second Life)和角色扮演游戏(例如Lineage)中很常见。由于宽带互联网访问的增加,虚拟世界正在迅速崛起,成为现实世界中进行交流,协作和组织经济活动的替代手段。例如,最流行的青少年世界之一,哈博饭店(Habbo Hotel),大约有750万唯一用户; Cyworld是Second Life和MySpace的结合体,其视频流量比YouTube还要多,而且在韩国20至30岁的年轻人中,有96%是用户。在虚拟世界“第二人生”中,阿迪达斯,宝马,IBM和沃达丰等50多个跨国组织开展业务;哈佛正在上课。超过400个人通过在线活动每月赚取超过2,000美元的净利润;而安舍·钟(Anshe Chung)是居住在德国,在中国有25名员工的中国出生妇女的化身,她是通过虚拟房地产活动而成为第一位美元百万富翁的。 Protonmedia和Qwaq等公司为强生,诺华,摩托罗拉,英特尔等《财富》 500强公司提供了完全安全的私有虚拟商业世界,以开展合作和开展经济活动。



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