首页> 外文期刊>JPKE:journal of post keynesian economics >Marcelo Diamand's contributions to economic theory through the lens of the classical Keynesian approach: a formal representation of unbalanced productive structures

Marcelo Diamand's contributions to economic theory through the lens of the classical Keynesian approach: a formal representation of unbalanced productive structures

机译:马塞洛·迪亚曼德(Marcelo Diamand)通过经典凯恩斯主义方法的镜头对经济理论的贡献:不平衡生产结构的形式化表示

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We examine both conceptually and in formal terms the contributions by the structuralist economist Marcelo Diamand, which all revolve around the notion of unbalanced productive structure, and its implications on income distribution, the general price level, and output dynamics in Latin American countries, with a special focus on Argentina. We argue that Diamand's work provides a very useful framework to understand why institutionally and historically determined real wage and real exchange rates can, on the one hand, explain the relatively low productivity of the industrial sector and, on the other hand, cause devaluations to be both inflationary and con tractionary, as has been the case in many Latin American countries that attempted to initiate an industrialization process by import substitution.
机译:我们在概念上和形式上都考察了结构主义经济学家马塞洛·迪亚曼德(Marcelo Diamand)的贡献,这些贡献都围绕着不平衡的生产结构的概念,以及它对拉丁美洲国家的收入分配,总价格水平和产出动态的影响。特别关注阿根廷。我们认为Diamand的工作提供了一个非常有用的框架,可以理解为什么制度上和历史上确定的实际工资和实际汇率一方面可以解释工业部门相对较低的生产率,另一方面却导致货币贬值。通货膨胀和收缩性都一样,在许多拉丁美洲国家试图通过进口替代来启动工业化进程的情况下。



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