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Ordinary Mind As The Way: The Hongzhou School And The Growth Of Chan Buddhism


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For scholars of Chan Buddhism the task of rescuing History from the intricate web of myths and legends spun by its most brilliant minds seems to have always been the most pressing (and most tempting). Perhaps the most notable figures in this regard are the Chinese historian Hu Shih and the Japanese Zen historian Yanagida Seizan who, precisely for this reason, receive a fair amount of attention in Mario Poceski's new book Ordinary Mind as the Way. Poceski does not, however, invoke Hu and Yanagida to bolster his own claims about Chan or to secure his place in this intellectual lineage of sorts but to take them-especially the latter-to task for not applying the same critical tools that they used to demystify early Chan to the study of middle Chan or, more specifically, to the so-called Hongzhou school, the subject of Poceski's well-researched book. What seems to trouble Poceski most about Hu and Yanagida's views on the Hongzhou school and its putative founder Mazu Daoyi (709-788) is their tendency, despite their differing agendas, to see the rise of Mazu and his school as a kind of revolution that gave birth to a new Buddhism (sometimes referred to as 'classical Chan') that was, to borrow Poceski's own words, "distinctively Chinese" (p. 10). One of the major aims of Poceski's book is to thus show that such views are based on the hasty use of misleading sources - most notably the so-called "encounter dialogues" - and not corroborated by other extant sources which, if used judiciously, can offer a more accurate, nuanced, and context-sensitive picture of a school that flourished between the eighth and ninth century. And that is exactly what he delivers in Ordinary Mind as the Way.
机译:对于禅宗佛教的学者来说,从最复杂的神话和传说网络中解脱历史的任务似乎一直是最紧迫(也是最诱人的),而神话和传说是由其最聪明的头脑纺成的。在这方面,最著名的人物可能就是中国历史学家胡适和日本禅宗历史学家柳田清三,正是由于这个原因,他们在马里奥·波切斯基的新书《普通的思维方式》中获得了相当多的关注。但是,波切斯基没有援引胡和柳田来支持自己对陈的主张,或确保他在这种知识分子世系中的地位,但要把它们-尤其是后者-作为一项任务,就是不采用他们以前使用的相同关键工具使早期的陈氏神秘化,成为对中间陈氏的研究的神秘化,或更确切地说,是对Poceski精心研究的书的所谓的洪州学派的神秘化。对于胡,柳田对洪州学派及其推定创始人马祖道义(709-788)的看法,波切斯基最困扰他的是尽管他们的议事日程不同,但他们倾向于将马祖及其学派的兴起视为一种革命,诞生了一种新的佛教(有时称为“古典禅”),借用波切斯基自己的话说,“独特的中文”(第10页)。 Poceski的书的主要目的之一是表明这种观点是基于误导性资料的仓促使用-最著名的是所谓的“遭遇对话”-并没有得到其他现存资料的证实,如果明智地使用这些资料,可以提供了八到九世纪之间兴旺发展的学校的更准确,细微和上下文相关的图像。这正是他在“普通思维”中所提供的方式。



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