首页> 外文期刊>Journal for Cultural Research >Broken Heart of the City: Youssef Chahine’s Bab al-Hadid (Cairo Station)

Broken Heart of the City: Youssef Chahine’s Bab al-Hadid (Cairo Station)

机译:破碎的城市之心:优素福·查希内的Bab al-Hadid(开罗站)

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Cairo Station/Bab al-Hadid (1958) is widely considered to be Youssef Chahine’s signature piece. For Chahine (1926-2008), Egypt’s most celebrated director, as well as most critics and viewers the filmic images became iconic. Yet because of its daring break with certain studio conventions, the film reaped negative reviews and public hostility upon its release. Despite its rediscovery in later years, it remains a film that is difficult to categorize, not quite neo-realist and not quite revolutionary, due to a strong melodramatic streak and a startling psycho-sexual, rather than political focus. This essay re-examines the classic film as the work of an artist struggling to bend genre conventions while exploring the kaleidoscope of a metropolis undergoing rapid sociological and political transformation. It explores the history of Cairo, and of Cairo’s central rail station, the claustrophobic epicenter of the story - a site of constant motion, to and from the city, of youthful hope and, all too often, of shattered, and at times, demented dreams.View full textDownload full textRelated var addthis_config = { ui_cobrand: "Taylor & Francis Online", services_compact: "citeulike,netvibes,twitter,technorati,delicious,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,more", pubid: "ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b" }; Add to shortlist Link Permalink http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14797585.2012.647670
机译:开罗车站/巴布·哈迪德(Bab al-Hadid,1958年)被广泛认为是Youssef Chahine的签名作品。对于埃及最著名的导演查欣(1926-2008)以及大多数评论家和观众来说,电影影像成为标志性的。然而,由于该影片大胆地违反了某些制片厂的惯例,该影片在上映时受到负面评论和公众的敌意。尽管在后来的几年里重新发现了它,但由于其强烈的叙事风格和令人震惊的性欲而非政治关注,它仍然是一部很难归类的电影,不是新现实主义,也不是革命性电影。这篇文章重新审视了这部经典电影,这是一位艺术家努力探索流派惯例,同时探索正在经历社会和政治快速变革的大都市的万花筒的作品。它探索了开罗的历史,以及开罗的中央火车站,故事的幽闭恐怖中心-一个往返于城市的不断运动的地方,充满希望的年轻人,而且常常是破碎的,在这里次,虚幻的梦想。 :“ ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b”};添加到候选列表链接永久链接http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14797585.2012.647670



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