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Comparing Ethical Ideologies Across Cultures


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Using measures developed by Singhapakdi et al. (1996, Journal of Business ethics 15, 1131-1140) the perceived importance of ethics and social responsibility (PRESOR) is measured among MBA students in the United States, Malaysia and Ukraine revealing a stock- holder view and two stakeholder views. Relativism and Idealism are also measured. The scores of MBA students are compared among each other and with those of the U.S. managers who were part of the original study. Managers' scores tend to be significantly higher on the Stockholder and Stakeholder II views, and much lower on Relativism than the MBA students. The Malaysian MBA students scored higher than did the American MBA students on Relativism, Idealism and the Stockholder view. The Ukrainian MBA students' scores on the three PRESOR factors are generally similar to those of the American MBAs, while they had the highest scores of any group on the Relativism scale. Overall, the patterns of responses, as much as the significant differences on specific scales, support the notion that culture, however defined, affects both values and ethics. Several directions for future research are identified.'
机译:使用Singhapakdi等人开发的措施。 (1996年,《商业道德杂志》 15,1131-1140)在美国,马来西亚和乌克兰的MBA学生中衡量了道德和社会责任的感知重要性(PRESOR),揭示了持股者观点和两种持分者观点。相对主义和理想主义也被衡量。相互比较MBA学生的分数,并与原始研究的一部分美国经理人的分数进行比较。与MBA学生相比,在“股东”和“利益相关者II”视图中,经理的得分往往明显更高,而在相对主义中则更低。马来西亚MBA学生在相对主义,理想主义和股东观点方面的得分高于美国MBA学生。乌克兰MBA学生在三个PRESOR因子上的分数通常与美国MBA相似,而在相对论量表中,他们的得分最高。总体而言,回应的模式,以及在特定规模上的显着差异,都支持这样一种观念,即无论文化如何界定,文化都会影响价值观和道德规范。确定了未来研究的几个方向。



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