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Remote Tower Systems: A Domestic and International Conversation


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Over the past several years, the conversation on remote towers has been making its way across the Atlantic to the United States. Several countries have been testing this technology for years and now Sweden is actually working an airport via their remote tower technology. The air traffic services at Ornskoldsvik Airport have been transferred to a remote tower center (RTC) at Sundsvall Airport, about 60 miles away. In the U.S., the interest in remote towers did not take off until the threat of closing federal contract towers became real. Many small communities were faced with the real possibility of having their federally funded contract towers closed due to sequestration. The communities that were still hoping for inclusion into the contract tower program have realized the possibility that may never happen. The construction costs associated with building a brick and mortar tower is approximately twice what a remote tower system would be. This makes the remote tower concept appealing to small communities with limited budgets and may also provide an opportunity for more than one community to locate their systems in a common location to reduce staffing challenges. The one unknown expense with the remote tower system is the cost of moving data in the different communities. Some smaller communities may be better suited to move the data at lower costs than others.
机译:在过去的几年中,关于偏远塔楼的讨论一直在横跨大西洋到达美国。数个国家已经对该技术进行了多年测试,现在瑞典实际上正在通过其远程塔式技术在机场工作。 Ornskoldsvik机场的空中交通服务已转移至约60英里外的Sundsvall机场的偏远塔中心(RTC)。在美国,直到关闭联邦合同塔楼的威胁成为现实,对偏僻塔楼的兴趣才开始兴起。许多小社区确实面临着因隔离而关闭由联邦资助的合同塔的现实可能性。仍希望加入合同塔计划的社区已经意识到这种可能性永远不会发生。与建造砖瓦塔相关的建筑成本大约是远程塔系统的两倍。这使远程塔式概念吸引了预算有限的小型社区,并且还可能为多个社区提供一个机会,以将其系统放置在公共位置以减少人员配备方面的挑战。远程塔式系统的一项未知支出是在不同社区中移动数据的成本。一些较小的社区可能比其他社区更适合以较低的成本迁移数据。



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