首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Advanced Transportation >Distributed algorithm for empty vehicles management in personal rapid transit (PRT) network

Distributed algorithm for empty vehicles management in personal rapid transit (PRT) network


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In this paper, an original heuristic algorithm of empty vehicles management in personal rapid transit network is presented. The algorithm is used for the delivery of empty vehicles for waiting passengers, for balancing the distribution of empty vehicles within the network, and for providing an empty space for vehicles approaching a station. Each of these tasks involves a decision on the trip that has to be done by a selected empty vehicle from its actual location to some determined destination. The decisions are based on a multi-parameter function involving a set of factors and thresholds. An important feature of the algorithm is that it does not use any central database of passenger input (demand) and locations of free vehicles. Instead, it is based on the local exchange of data between stations: on their states and on the vehicles they expect. Therefore, it seems well-tailored for a distributed implementation. The algorithm is uniform, meaning that the same basic procedure is used for multiple tasks using a task-specific set of parameters. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:本文提出了一种个人快速公交网络中空车管理的启发式算法。该算法用于为等待的乘客运送空车辆,平衡网络内空车辆的分布以及为接近车站的车辆提供空的空间。这些任务中的每一项都涉及必须由选定的空车从其实际位置到某个确定的目的地进行的行程决策。决策基于涉及一组因素和阈值的多参数函数。该算法的一个重要特征是,它不使用乘客输入(需求)和免费车辆位置的任何中央数据库。取而代之的是,它基于站点之间的本地数据交换:基于站点的状态以及预期的车辆。因此,似乎为分布式实现量身定做。该算法是统一的,这意味着使用一组特定于任务的参数,将相同的基本过程用于多个任务。版权所有(c)2016 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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