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Application of marine biotechnology in the production of natural biocides for testing on environmentally innocuous antifouling coatings


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It has been brought to our attention by certain readers that an article recently published in Journal of Coatings Technology and Research (JCTR) reproduces portions of another article published in 2003 in Biofouling without full or proper attribution. The two articles in question are: Eguia, E, Trueba, A, "Application of Marine Biotechnology in the Production of Natural Biocides for Testing on Environmentally Innocuous Antifouling Coatings." J. Coat. Technol. Res., 4 (2) 191-202 (2007). and Burgess, JG, Boyd, KG, Armstrong, E, Jiang, Z, Yan, L, Berggren, M, May, U, Pisacane, T, Granmo, A, Adams, DR, "The Development of a Marine Natural Product-Based Antifouling Paint." Biofouling, 19 (Suppl.) 197-205 (2003).
机译:某些读者已经引起我们注意,最近在《涂料技术与研究杂志》(JCTR)上发表的一篇文章复制了2003年在《生物污染》杂志上发表的另一篇文章的部分内容,而没有完全或适当的署名。有问题的两篇文章是:Eguia,E,Trueba,A,“海洋生物技术在生产天然杀微生物剂中的应用,以测试环境无害的防污涂料”。 J.外套技术。 Res。,4(2)191-202(2007)。 and Burgess,JG,Boyd,KG,Armstrong,E,Jiang,Z,Yan,L,Berggren,M,May,U,Pisacane,T,Granmo,A,Adams,DR,“海洋天然产物的开发-基础防污漆。” Biofouling,19(Suppl。)197-205(2003)。



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