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Whither the U.S. Climate Program?


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Approximately 50 years ago, the first contemporary stirring within the scientific community about climate change began when Roger Revelle and Hans Suess wrote that "human beings are now carrying out a large-scale geophysical experiment." Since that time, the scientific community has made remarkable progress in defining the effect that increased concentrations of greenhouse gases could have on the global climate and in estimating the nature and scale of the consequences. The political discussion about how to respond to this threat has been less successful. Although a small vocal group of scientists continues to raise important questions about whether the data and the theory validate the projected trend in the climate, these views have been more than counteracted by the overwhelming consensus of scientists that the case for the projected climate change is solid. The 2001 assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of the World Meteorological Organization projects that by the year 2100, there will be a global temperature increase of 1.4 to 5.8 degrees centigrade, a global sea level rise of 9 to 88 centimeters, and a significant increase in the number of intense precipitation events. The wide range of these estimates reflects differences in assumptions about population projections, technological developments, and economic trends that are used in constructing the scenarios.
机译:大约50年前,当罗杰·雷韦尔(Roger Revelle)和汉斯·苏斯(Hans Suess)写道:“人类现在正在进行大规模的地球物理实验”时,科学界对气候变化的第一次当代动荡开始了。自那时以来,科学界在确定温室气体浓度升高对全球气候的影响以及估计后果的性质和规模方面取得了显着进展。关于如何应对这种威胁的政治讨论不太成功。尽管一小群的科学家继续就数据和理论是否验证了气候的预测趋势提出了重要的问题,但这些观点已被科学家的绝大多数共识所抵消,即人们对气候变化的预测是可靠的。世界气象组织政府间气候变化专门委员会在2001年的评估中预测,到2100年,全球温度将上升1.4至5.8摄氏度,全球海平面将上升9至88厘米,强烈降水事件的数量增加。这些估计值的范围很广,反映了在构建情景时使用的有关人口预测,技术发展和经济趋势的假设的差异。



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