首页> 外文期刊>nternational Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics >A non-linear forecasting of container traffic:the case-study of the Port of Piraeus, 1973-2008

A non-linear forecasting of container traffic:the case-study of the Port of Piraeus, 1973-2008


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The paper used data for 427 months of transhipping boxes in the Port of Piraeus between 1973 and 2008 to forecast 20 months ahead. The method used was the non-linear radial basis functions and the forecasting error was 0.19 < 1. Amazing is that the model captured the effect of the port's labour strike! The paper tested for the existence of chaos in the time series, and when this was affirmative applied the rescaled range analysis, due to Hurst and Mandelbrot, in a generalisation of Einstein's 1905 formula. Moreover, various tests checked the existence of normality and these were negative (Jarque and Bera, BDS, excess kurtosis and skewness). Time series after have been turned stationary gave Hurst exponent equal to 0.73 indicating persistence and long-term dependence (black noise) among observations. The system has shown a fractal dimension of 1.54 < 2. Together with Lyapunov exponent we detected chaos in the time series.
机译:该论文使用了1973年至2008年之间比雷埃夫斯港427个月的转运箱数据,以预测未来20个月的转运。使用的方法是非线性径向基函数,并且预测误差为0.19 <1。令人惊讶的是,该模型捕获了港口罢工的影响!论文测试了时间序列中是否存在混沌,当这种情况肯定时,由于爱因斯坦(Einstein)1905年的公式的概括,应用了由于赫斯特(Hurst)和曼德布洛特(Mandelbrot)而导致的重新定标范围分析。此外,各种测试检查了正常性的存在,而这些测试均为阴性(雅克和贝拉,BDS,过度峰度和偏度)。平稳后的时间序列给出的赫斯特指数等于0.73,表示观测值之间存在持久性和长期依赖性(黑噪声)。系统的分形维数为1.54 <2。与Lyapunov指数一起,我们检测到了时间序列中的混乱。



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