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The Age of Machinery: Engineering the Industrial Revolution


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The title of this book, The Age of Machinery, Engineering the Industrial Revolution, 1770-1850 belies its content, it is, in fact, considerably less wide-ranging than the label on the bottle suggests. The book focuses on the economic history of textile machinery manufacturing and largely concentrates upon the towns of Keighley and Leeds. Notwithstanding this prestidigitation, The Age of Machinery represents an outstanding contribution to its field of study. Gillian Cookson shows mastery of the documentary source material, exercises penetrating analysis and is a capable author. Her enthusiasm for the subject shines through and the result is an important and engrossing book.
机译:这本书的书名是《机械时代,工业革命的工程学,1770-1850年》,其内容实在让人难以理解,实际上,其范围比瓶子上的标签所暗示的要少得多。该书着眼于纺织机械制造的经济历史,主要集中在基斯利和利兹的城镇。尽管有这样的声誉,《机械时代》仍是其研究领域的杰出贡献。吉莉安·库克森(Gillian Cookson)精通纪录片的原始资​​料,进行深入的分析,是一位能干的作家。她对主题的热情洋溢,结果是一本重要而引人入胜的书。



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