首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Consumer Studies >What about sustainability? Understanding consumers' conceptual representations through free word association

What about sustainability? Understanding consumers' conceptual representations through free word association


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The United Nations (UN) conceptualizes sustainability as development that meets the current needs of the planet's populations, but without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Although the concept of sustainability has been widely discussed in the international political agendas, inconsistent interpretation and ambiguity of the concept by consumers is observed. In this paper, the understanding of the term sustainability amongst Brazilian consumers is reported. Using the word association projective technique, the participants were asked to write down all the words that came to their mind when thinking about "sustainability." Thematic content analysis was performed by grouping words by similarity of meaning in categories, which were further submitted to correspondence analysis (CA) to create a perceptual map. Brazilian consumers made different associations reflecting the complexity and multidimensionality of the concept amongst different groups of consumers. The most frequently cited categories are related to environment, health and nutrition, behaviour, production and economy and sustenance. CA accounted for 76.7% of the data variance and the perceptual map evidenced that younger individuals with higher education made associations with categories related to the current concept of sustainable development, similar to that proposed by UN. Moreover, consumers with basic education were associated with categories related to food and sustenance. The findings of this study can contribute to the formulation of education strategies directed towards different social groups, besides directing further research on consumer behaviour.
机译:联合国(UN)将可持续性概念化为满足地球人口当前需求的发展,但又不损害子孙后代满足其自身需求的能力。尽管在国际政治议程中已经广泛讨论了可持续性的概念,但观察到消费者对该概念的解释不一致和模棱两可。本文报道了巴西消费者对可持续性一词的理解。使用单词联想投射技术,要求参与者写下思考“可持续性”时想到的所有单词。主题内容分析是通过将单词按照类别的含义相似性进行分组来进行的,然后进一步提交给对应分析(CA)以创建感知图。巴西的消费者在不同的消费者群体之间建立了不同的联系,反映出该概念的复杂性和多维性。最常被引用的类别与环境,健康和营养,行为,生产,经济和生活有关。 CA占数据差异的76.7%,而知觉图证明,受过高等教育的年轻人与联合国当前提出的与可持续发展概念相关的类别进行了关联。此外,受过基础教育的消费者与食物和寄养有关。这项研究的发现,除了指导消费者行为的进一步研究以外,还有助于制定针对不同社会群体的教育策略。



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