首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing >Identification of autoregressive models in the presence of additive noise

Identification of autoregressive models in the presence of additive noise


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A common approach in modeling signals in many engineering applications consists in adopting autoregressive (AR) models, consisting in filters with transfer functions having a unitary numerator, driven by white noise. Despite their wide application, these models do not take into account the possible presence of errors on the observations and cannot prove accurate when these errors are significant. AR plus noise models constitute an extension of AR models that consider also the presence of an observation noise. This paper describes a new algorithm for the identification of AR plus noise models that is characterized by a very good compromise between accuracy and efficiency. This algorithm, taking advantage of both low-and high-order Yule-Walker equations, also guarantees the positive definiteness of the autocorrelation matrix of the estimated process and allows to estimate the equation error and observation noise variances. It is also shown how the proposed procedure can be used for estimating the order of the AR model. The new algorithm is compared with some traditional algorithms by means of Monte Carlo simulations.
机译:在许多工程应用中,对信号进行建模的一种常见方法是采用自回归(AR)模型,该模型包括具有传递函数的滤波器,该传递函数具有由白噪声驱动的单一分子。尽管应用广泛,但这些模型并未考虑观测值中可能存在的错误,并且当这些错误很明显时无法证明是准确的。 AR加噪声模型构成了AR模型的扩展,AR模型也考虑了观察噪声的存在。本文介绍了一种用于识别AR加噪声模型的新算法,其特征是在准确性和效率之间取得了很好的折衷。该算法充分利用了低阶和高阶Yule-Walker方程,还保证了估计过程的自相关矩阵的正定性,并允许估计方程误差和观测噪声方差。还显示了如何将提出的过程用于估计AR模型的顺序。通过蒙特卡洛仿真将该新算法与一些传统算法进行了比较。



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