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EU taps market after Ukraine, ratings hiatus


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The European union, rated Aaa/AA+/AAA, issued its first debt for nearly 17 months on Tuesday, raising €2.6bn through a 1.875% 10-year bond offering to fund the financial assistance packages for Ireland and Portugal. The long-awaited deal has faced delays in recent weeks due to negotiations around Ukrainian aid and a scheduled ratings announcement, but was eventually launched on Tuesday through BNP Paribas, Credit Suisse, HSBC, ]P Morgan and UniCredit. The final spread of mid-swaps plus 9bp was at the tight end of plus 10bp area guidance and initial price thoughts at mid-swaps plus 11bp area released on Monday afternoon, offering a slim Ibp concession to the EU's outstanding curve, according to Tradeweb prices. A straight-line interpolation of the EU's 2.75% April 2022s and 3% September 2026s placed fair value on the new bonds, maturing in April 2024, at around mid-swaps plus 8bp.
机译:评级为Aaa / AA + / AAA的欧盟周二发行了近17个月的第一笔债务,通过发行1.875%的10年期债券筹集26亿欧元,为爱尔兰和葡萄牙的金融援助计划提供资金。由于围绕乌克兰援助计划的谈判和预定的评级公告,人们期待已久的交易在最近几周遇到了延迟,但最终于周二通过法国巴黎银行,瑞士信贷,汇丰银行,] P摩根和UniCredit发起。根据Tradeweb的价格,中期掉期加9bp的最终价差位于加息10bp区域指导的紧尾,中期交换加11bp区域的初步价格想法在周一下午发布,为欧盟出色的曲线提供了微薄的Ibp减让。 。欧盟对2022年4月的2.75%债券和2026年9月的3%债券进行直线插值,得出的新债券的公允价值于2024年4月到期,约为中期掉期加8个基点。



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