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Russian Federation contribution to the ITER project


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The report summarizes the progress in the design and R&D activity undertaken in the Russian Federation in the period after completion of the ITER EDA. For the last 3 years, since 2001 FDR, the ITER design has been evolved in details to resolve issues, to reduce costs, to define details and to prepare the procurement specifications for long-term items. During the ITER Transitional Arrangements (ITA) phase (2003-2004) the Design and R&D activity in the Russian Federation has been redirected and mainly concentrated on items in accordance with the prospective procurement allocation. During the last 2 years 33 Task Agreements were allocated to the Russian Federation Participant Team (RF PT). The list of Tasks includes the qualification of Nb_3Sn strands, manufacturing of NbTi cable for the PF insert coil, qualification tasks for the FW and PFC/Divertor and design and manufacturing studies related to various areas: magnets, vacuum vessel, blanket, divertor, plasma-facing components, assembly, thermal shield, cryoplant, nuclear analysis, materials and safety.
机译:该报告总结了在ITER EDA完成后的这段时间里,俄罗斯联邦在设计和研发活动方面取得的进展。自2001年FDR以来的最近3年中,ITER设计在细节上进行了改进,以解决问题,降低成本,定义细节并准备长期物品的采购规格。在国际热核实验堆过渡安排(ITA)阶段(2003-2004年)中,俄罗斯联邦的设计和研发活动已重新分配,主要集中在与预期采购分配相符的项目上。在过去两年中,有33项任务协议分配给了俄罗斯联邦参与者团队(RF PT)。任务列表包括Nb_3Sn绞线的鉴定,PF插入线圈的NbTi电缆的制造,FW和PFC /分流器的鉴定任务以及与以下各个领域相关的设计和制造研究:磁体,真空容器,橡皮布,分流器,等离子零件,组件,隔热板,冷冻设备,核分析,材料和安全性。



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