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3D foot shape generation from 2D information


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Two methods to generate an individual 3D foot shape from 2D information are proposed. A standard foot shape was first generated and then scaled based on known 2D information. In the first method, the foot outline and the foot height were used, and in the second, the foot outline and the foot profile were used. The models were developed using 40 participants and then validated using a different set of 40 participants. Results show that each individual foot shape can be predicted within a mean absolute error of 1.36 mm for the left foot and 1.37 mm for the right foot using the first method, and within a mean absolute error of 1.02 mm for the left foot and 1.02 mm for the right foot using the second method. The second method shows somewhat improved accuracy even though it requires two images. Both the methods are relatively cheaper than using a scanner to determine the 3D foot shape for custom footwear design.
机译:提出了两种从2D信息生成单独的3D足部形状的方法。首先生成标准的脚形,然后根据已知的2D信息进行缩放。在第一种方法中,使用脚部轮廓和脚的高度,在第二种方法中,使用脚部轮廓和脚的轮廓。使用40名参与者开发了模型,然后使用40名参与者的不同集合进行了验证。结果表明,使用第一种方法,可以预测每个脚的形状,其左脚的平均绝对误差为1.36 mm,右脚的平均绝对误差为1.37 mm,左脚的平均绝对误差为1.02 mm,1.02 mm用第二种方法换右脚第二种方法即使需要两个图像也显示出一定程度的准确性。这两种方法都比使用扫描仪确定3D脚形来定制鞋类设计相对便宜。



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