
Howling at the Moon


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Some 2,000 years ago, the barbarous Carpathian rulers known as the Dacians charged into battle against the invading Roman forces behind wolf-head banners. They were crushed and ultimately assimilated by the Romans. From this union of "wolf people" and the great Italian civilization under the sign of the she-wolf was born the Romanians. Ever since, the wolf, or "lup" as the locals know it, has played an integral part in the Romanian culture and psyche. Today the Carpathian wilderness is home to more than a third of Europe's large carnivore population, or 3,500 wolves, which is nearly as many as found in the entire U.S. The wolf is a major player in Romanian folklore, and retains a supernatural reputation. "Speak of the wolf and his tail appears" warns the old Romanian proverb.
机译:大约2000年前,野蛮的喀尔巴阡统治者(Dacians)冲着狼头的旗帜,与入侵的罗马军队作战。他们被罗马人粉碎并最终被他们吸收。罗马尼亚人从“狼人”的联盟和以她狼为标志的伟大的意大利文明诞生。从那时起,狼,或当地人所熟知的“ lup”,就在罗马尼亚文化和心理中起了不可或缺的作用。如今,喀尔巴阡山脉的旷野是欧洲超过三分之一的食肉动物(即3500头狼)的家园,几乎是整个美国发现的数量。狼是罗马尼亚民间传说中的主要角色,并保持着超自然的声誉。古老的罗马尼亚谚语警告说:“说到狼和他的尾巴出现。”



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