首页> 外文期刊>Inside EPA's environmental policy alert >3rd Circuit Weighs 'Cumulative' Air Impacts In Suit Over State's Haze Plan

3rd Circuit Weighs 'Cumulative' Air Impacts In Suit Over State's Haze Plan


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U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit judges at oral arguments in litigation over Pennsylvania's regional haze air pollution plan pressed EPA on why it did not force the state to consider "cumulative" emissions impacts in approving the plan, in a case that could set an important precedent on the criteria the agency must use in reviewing such plans. Environmentalists with the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) and other groups are urging the court to agree with their claim that the Clean Air Act requires the agency to consider cumulative impacts when deciding whether regional haze state implementation plans (SIPs) are adequate and lawful. But the Department of Justice (DOJ) on EPA's behalf is arguing to the court that the agency is not required to use such assessments. In the case, NPCA, et al. v. EPA, environmentalists are challenging EPA's approval of Pennsylvania's haze SIP that requires no additional controls on haze-emitting sources - mostly coal-fired power plants.
机译:美国第三巡回上诉法院法官就宾夕法尼亚州的区域霾空气污染计划进行的诉讼中进行口头辩论,向EPA敦促EPA为何不强迫该州在批准该计划时考虑“累积”排放影响,以防可能导致机构审查此类计划时必须使用的标准的重要先例。国家公园保护协会(NPCA)和其他团体的环保主义者敦促法院同意他们的主张,即《清洁空气法》要求该机构在决定区域雾霾州实施计划(SIP)是否适当和合法时考虑累积影响。但是美国司法部(DOJ)代表EPA在法庭上争辩说该机构无需使用此类评估。在这种情况下,NPCA等人。 v。EPA,环保主义者对EPA批准宾夕法尼亚州的烟雾霾SIP提出质疑,该协议不需要对烟雾排放源(主要是燃煤发电厂)进行额外控制。



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