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Thirsty New Jersey Township Working To Recharge Aquifer


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Faced with dwindling potable water supplies and concerned about taming emerging waterborne illnesses, one burgeoning New Jersey community has begun designing the region's first indirect potable water reuse treatment and aquifer injection system. The $15.2-million system being developed by the Logan Township Municipal Utilities Authority will replace a conventional activated sludge package plant with a membrane bioreactor at an existing wastewater treatment facility then reclaim the effluent to potable standards using advanced technologies. The authority currently operates a wastewater treatment facility consisting of two, 1 mgd plants. Effluent is used for landscape irrigation and dust control to help curb demand on the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifers.
机译:面对日益减少的饮用水供应,并担心驯服新兴的水生疾病,新泽西州一个新兴的社区已经开始设计该地区首个间接饮用水回用间接处理和含水层注入系统。由洛根镇市政公用事业局开发的价值1,520万美元的系统将在现有废水处理设施上用膜生物反应器代替传统的活性污泥包装厂,然后使用先进技术将废水回收至饮用水标准。当局目前运营的废水处理设施包括两个1 mgd的工厂。废水用于景观灌溉和除尘,以帮助抑制对波托马克-拉里坦-玛蒂西含水层的需求。



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