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Court Ruling May Force AMEC To Bid for Times Project Steel

机译:法院裁决可能迫使AMEC竞标Times Project Steel

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Much of the structural steel fabricated for the new New York Times Co. headquarters in Manhattan can be sold at auction, a New Jersey Superior Court judge ruled March 17. The court order allows the liquidation trustee for Interstate Iron Works Corp., the fabricator-erector that shut down three days before Christmas, to sell the steel to the highest bidder at an auction scheduled for March 2 3 -2 4 in White-house, N.J.
机译:新泽西州高级法院法官于3月17日裁定,为曼哈顿新纽约时报公司总部制造的大部分结构钢都可以拍卖出售。法院命令允许清算受托人为州立钢铁厂公司(Interstate Iron Works Corp.),安装工在圣诞节前三天停工,将钢按计划于3月2日3 -2 4日在新泽西州白宫的拍卖会上出售给出价最高的人



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