首页> 外文期刊>Economic Development Quarterly: The Journal of American Economic Revitalization >Intentional Innovation Communities: Concepts and Preliminary Evidence

Intentional Innovation Communities: Concepts and Preliminary Evidence


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This study examines Intentional Innovation Communities (IICs) as a strategy for catalyzing community-wide innovation at the grassroots level. IICs are a type of learning and innovation network blending social theories of human interaction with intentional innovation strategies supported in the entrepreneurship literature. IICs are intended to stimulate the development of intentional, community-driven networks for innovation that transcend current institutional and organizational boundaries, with an emphasis on building both democracy and strategy. The IIC model is designed to be broadly replicable. This study presents IICs conceptually and discusses key findings from pilot research that support their design. Then, case studies are presented from five communities in rural Australia, where IICs were used to form nascent network relationships and start meaningful discussions about launching community-driven entrepreneurship and innovation projects. The authors present outcomes, along with a discussion of the practical applications of the model, and new areas of research development around the IIC concept.
机译:这项研究将意向性创新社区(IIC)视为在基层一级催化社区范围创新的策略。 IIC是一种学习和创新网络,将人类互动的社会理论与企业家文学中支持的有意创新策略融合在一起。 IIC旨在促进有意识的,社区驱动的创新网络的发展,这些网络应超越当前的制度和组织边界,重点是建立民主和战略。 IIC模型被设计为可广泛复制。这项研究从概念上介绍了IIC,并讨论了支持其设计的试点研究的主要发现。然后,从澳大利亚农村的五个社区进行了案例研究,IIC被用来建立新生的网络关系,并就发起社区驱动的企业家精神和创新项目展开了有意义的讨论。作者介绍了结果,并讨论了该模型的实际应用,以及围绕IIC概念进行研究开发的新领域。



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