首页> 外文期刊>Diabetes >Starvation and diabetes reduce the amount of pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase in rat heart and kidney.

Starvation and diabetes reduce the amount of pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase in rat heart and kidney.


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The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) is inactivated in many tissues during starvation and diabetes to conserve three-carbon compounds for gluconeogenesis. This is achieved by an increase in the extent of PDC phosphorylation caused in part by increased pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK) activity due to increased PDK expression. This study examined whether altered pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase (PDP) expression also contributes to changes in the phosphorylation state of PDC during starvation and diabetes. Of the two PDP isoforms expressed in mammalian tissues, the Ca(2+)-sensitive isoform (PDP1) is highly expressed in rat heart, brain, and testis and is detectable but less abundant in rat muscle, lung, kidney, liver, and spleen. The Ca(2+)-insensitive isoform (PDP2) is abundant in rat kidney, liver, heart, and brain and is detectable in spleen and lung. Starvation and streptozotocin-induced diabetes cause decreases in PDP2 mRNA abundance, PDP2 protein amount, and PDP activity in rat heart and kidney. Refeeding and insulin treatment effectively reversed these effects of starvation and diabetes, respectively. These findings indicate that opposite changes in expression of specific PDK and PDP isoenzymes contribute to hyperphosphorylation and therefore inactivation of the PDC in heart and kidney during starvation and diabetes.
机译:丙酮酸脱氢酶复合物(PDC)在饥饿和糖尿病期间会在许多组织中失活,从而保留三碳化合物用于糖异生。这是由于PDC磷酸化程度的增加而实现的,而PDC磷酸化的程度部分是由于PDK表达的增加而增加了丙酮酸脱氢酶激酶(PDK)的活性。这项研究检查了改变的丙酮酸脱氢酶磷酸酶(PDP)的表达是否也有助于饥饿和糖尿病期间PDC磷酸化状态的改变。在哺乳动物组织中表达的两种PDP亚型中,Ca(2+)敏感亚型(PDP1)在大鼠心脏,大脑和睾丸中高表达,在大鼠肌肉,肺,肾,肝和肝脏中可检测到但含量较低。脾。 Ca(2+)不敏感同工型(PDP2)在大鼠肾脏,肝脏,心脏和大脑中含量丰富,并且在脾脏和肺脏中可检测到。饥饿和链脲佐菌素诱发的糖尿病导致大鼠心肾中PDP2 mRNA丰度,PDP2蛋白含量和PDP活性降低。补饲和胰岛素治疗分别有效地逆转了饥饿和糖尿病的这些影响。这些发现表明,特定PDK和PDP同工酶表达的相反变化会导致饥饿和糖尿病期间心脏和肾脏中PDC的过度磷酸化失活。



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