首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Threatened Taxa >Indigenous knowledge of ethnomedicinal plants by the Assamese community in Dibrugarh District, Assam, India

Indigenous knowledge of ethnomedicinal plants by the Assamese community in Dibrugarh District, Assam, India




The present investigation is an attempt to study the uses of ethnomedicinal plants in traditional knowledge system among the Assamese community of Dibrugarh District in Assam. All the relevant data were collected during 2017–2019 by following standard ethnobotanical methods through personal interviews as well as through focus group discussions with a total of 193 informants including 62 men and 131 women. The use value (UV) of the medicinal plants and informant consensus factors (FIC) values were determined. In the study 174 ethnomedicinal plant species were documented belonging to 147 genera and 78 families. Except for three species, the 171 species are Angiosperms mostly collected from the wild. Among the 174 species of medicinal plants, 12 species are listed under various categories by IUCN and CITES. All these plants are used to treat various diseases that are grouped under 13 ICPC (International Classification of Primary Care) disease categories, with the highest use value (0.54) recorded in Leucas aspera followed by Paederia scandens with (0.5) use value. This confirms that these plants are important traditional herbs with potent medicinal uses. The highest informant consensus factor with the highest number of species (93) being used for the digestive system (FIC= 0.76%), followed by oral and dentistry (FIC= 0.73%) category. The ethnic communities in the district are rich in traditional knowledge which is evident from the use records and high degree of consensus among the informants.
机译:目前的调查是试图研究阿西姆·萨姆斯·萨拉姆地区伊萨姆社区的传统知识体系中乙烯基型植物的用途。在2017 - 2019年通过个人访谈以及通过193名内部人的焦点小组讨论以及共有193名男子和131名妇女的焦点小组讨论来收集所有相关数据。确定了药用植物的使用价值(UV)和线程共识因子(FIC)值。在研究中,174个血统植物物种被记录在于147个属和78个家庭。除了三种物种外,171种物种是高原从野外收集的高昂植物。在174种药用植物中,12种物种由IUCN和CITES在各类中列出。所有这些植物都用于治疗在13个ICPC(初级保健)疾病类别中分组的各种疾病,在Leucas Aspera中记录的最高使用价值(0.54),然后是Paederia Scandens(0.5)使用。这证实了这些植物是具有有效药用用途的重要传统草药。用于消化系统(FIC = 0.76%)的最高信息(93)的最高线人共识因子,其次是口腔和牙科(FIC = 0.73%)类别。该地区的族裔社区丰富的传统知识,从信息记录和线人之间的高度共识中显而易见。



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