首页> 外文期刊>Universidad del Zulia. Facultad de Agronomia. Revista >Caracteres anatómicos foliares como herramienta para contribuir a la identificación de especies de mirtáceas / Anatomical characters as a tool to help identify species of myrtaceae

Caracteres anatómicos foliares como herramienta para contribuir a la identificación de especies de mirtáceas / Anatomical characters as a tool to help identify species of myrtaceae




In Myrtaceae the foliar anatomical characteristics have been used in taxonomic researches; nevertheless, there are some traits that do not provide information to identify species. The aim of this research was to select anatomy traits of the foliar lamina through statistical procedures (cluster analysis CA, main components CAM and frequency F) in order to differentiate myrtaceae in Venezuela. Species of Calycolpus O. Berg and Psidium L. were revised obtaining semipermanent laminas, CA established the distribution of the species in three groups; CAM selected most of the variables as concluding for the arrangement. F helped determining that the traits that mostly contributed to the distinction of the species were: shape of epidermic cells, palisade parenchyma and central nerve, presence of sub-epidermic stratus, among others. These results provided useful information to be considered in taxonomic studies of myrtaceae species in Venezuela. ?
机译:在细胞间隙中,叶面解剖特征已用于分类学研究;然而,有一些特征不提供识别物种的信息。该研究的目的是通过统计程序选择叶状椎板的解剖性状(群集分析CA,主要成分凸轮和频率f),以便在委内瑞拉区分Myrtaceae。 CALYCOLPUS O. BERG和PSIDIUM L.的种类是修订的获得半颊层,CA在三组中建立了物种的分布; CAM选择大部分变量作为所述安排的结论。 F有助于确定大多有助于物种区别的特征是:表皮细胞的形状,帕拉迪薄壁和中枢神经,亚表皮革中的存在等。这些结果提供了在委内瑞拉的Myrtaceae物种的分类学研究中考虑有用的信息。 ?



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