首页> 外文期刊>Revista Chilena de Neuropsiquiatria >Estudio descriptivo de series de casos de trastorno delirante

Estudio descriptivo de series de casos de trastorno delirante




Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate the demographic, environmental, psychosocial and clinical characteristics in a group of patients with delusional disorder (DD).Methodology: Retrospective descriptive study of DD cases registered at Psychiatry and MentalHygiene Clinic of Cordoba according to DSM-IV/V criteria was conducted. We obtained asample of 261 DD patients who met the inclusion criteria. Data and variables collected weredivided into 4 groups: I. Socio-demographic and general data; II. DD risk factors (personal andfamily); III. DD clinical picture and diagnosis (presentation, symptoms, disability, use of healthcare resources, treatment, and evolution). Results: The proportion of males versus females wasof 1.12. Only 16.5% of patients could not read or write. At the first visit of the psychiatry clinic,56.3% of the patients were married and about half of them shared home. About 16.9% of patientshad a past history of alcohol consumption, and 2.3% consumed other drugs. The most frequentsubtype with the persecutory with 129 cases (49.4%). The mean delay in psychiatric attentionwas 43.21 months; the minimum value with 27 months was observed in the somatic subtype andthe maximum value with 70 months was observed in jealous subtype. Ideas of reference and ofpersecution were found in 83.9% and 82.0% respectively. Conclusions: It is necessary to conductfuture prospective studies to investigate the risk factors associated with the DD.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是调查一组妄想症(DD)患者的人口统计学,环境,心理社会和临床特征(DD)。治疗学:根据DSM的精神病学和心脏咽喉诊所注册的DD病例的回顾性描述性研究-iv / v标准进行。我们获得了符合纳入标准的261名DD患者的Asample。收集的数据和变量融为4组:I.社会人口统计和一般数据; II。 DD危险因素(个人和家族); III。 DD临床图像和诊断(呈现,症状,残疾,使用医疗资源,治疗和进化)。结果:男性比例与女性为1.12。只有16.5%的患者无法读或写。在精神病学诊所的第一次访问时,56.3%的患者已婚,其中大约有一半分为家。大约16.9%的患者过去的酒精消费历史,2.3%消耗其他药物。最频繁的假期,持续效果129例(49.4%)。精神病患者的平均延迟43.21个月;在体细胞亚型中观察到27个月的最小值,并且在嫉妒的亚型中观察到70个月的最大值。参考和妇女的思想分别在83.9%和82.0%中发现。结论:有必要进行前瞻性研究,以研究与DD相关的风险因素。



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