首页> 外文期刊>Global Ecology and Conservation >Study on Taiwania cryptomerioides under climate change: MaxEnt modeling for predicting the potential geographical distribution

Study on Taiwania cryptomerioides under climate change: MaxEnt modeling for predicting the potential geographical distribution




Changes in future climate will have an important impact on biodiversity. Taiwania cryptomerioides has important scientific value for the study of paleogeography, paleoclimate and paleobotany. Based on the environmental data and future scenarios provided by previous studies, the present and future suitable habitat for Taiwania cryptomerioides was modeled, and the significance of environmental factors that shape its distribution were evaluated in this study. Furthermore, a maximum entropy model (MaxEnt) and geographical information system (ArcGIS) were used to identify suitable regions under climate change scenarios in China. The 112 occurrence records and nine environmental factors were further analyzed in this work. Our results show that Taiwania cryptomerioides has a suitable habitat of 211.21?×?10sup4/sup?kmsup2/sup across most of northeast China. Moreover, the altitude, annual mean temperature, precipitation of the driest month and precipitation of the wettest quarter were identified as the essential factors shaping habitat availability for Taiwania cryptomerioides . Furthermore, the area under the curve (AUC) of the train was 0.944, placing the model in the “excellent” category. As predicted by concentrations of four greenhouse gases from increasing emissions, ranges of species may decrease as global warming intensifies. Overall, the range shift to higher latitudes would gradually become significant. Our research offers suggestions for conservation both in theory and in application, as well as long-term management strategies for the species.
机译:未来气候变化将对生物多样性产生重要影响。台湾碱基碱基对古地理,古古古和古巴芹的研究具有重要的科学价值。基于以往的研究提供的环境数据和未来情景,对台川加密体酰亚胺的现在和未来合适的栖息地被建模,并在本研究中评估了塑造其分布的环境因素的重要性。此外,最大熵模型(MAXENT)和地理信息系统(ARCGIS)用于识别中国气候变化情景下的合适区域。在这项工作中进一步分析了112个发生记录和九种环境因素。我们的研究结果表明,台川加密体具有211.21的合适栖息地?×10 4 kim 2 在东北大部分。此外,最干燥的月份的海拔高度,年平均温度,降水和最潮湿的季度降水被确定为塑造台川加密的必要因素塑造栖息地可用性。此外,列车的曲线(AUC)下的区域为0.944,将模型放在“优秀”类别中。如通过增加排放的四个温室气体的浓度预测,物种范围可随着全球变暖的增强而减少。总的来说,到更高纬度的范围转变会逐渐变得显着。我们的研究提供了在理论和应用中保护的建议,以及物种的长期管理策略。



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