首页> 外文期刊>Endangered species research >Fidelity to natal social groups and mating within and between social groups in an endangered false killer whale population

Fidelity to natal social groups and mating within and between social groups in an endangered false killer whale population




Most mammals exhibit natal dispersal of one or both sexes, a behavior that likely evolved in part to reduce the chances of breeding with close relatives. When natal social group fidelity of both sexes has been documented, the risk of inbreeding is reduced by breeding among rather than within social groups. We investigated mating patterns in an endangered population of false killer whales Pseudorca crassidens from the main Hawaiian Islands (USA) using both genetic and photo-identification data. We tested the presence of the 2 most commonly observed inbreeding avoidance behaviors, i.e. natal dispersal and exogamy (mating occurring primarily among individuals from different social groups). Because not all mother-offspring pairs or individual ages were known prior to this study, we used re-sighting histories to determine plausible ranges of birth year for individuals, thereby limiting the pool of candidate parents and increasing analytical power. We identified 32 parent-offspring pairs, revealing strong natal social group fidelity for both sexes. Our results indicate that between 36 and 64% of matings involved individuals from the same social group. Because the population declined from over 400 to around 150 individuals between the 1980s and early 2000s, the intra-group matings may be the result of reduced opportunities for inter-group mating since the decline. Prior to the decline, social groups may have been sufficiently large that selective pressure to develop inbreeding avoidance mechanisms was low, or the population may have evolved alternate inbreeding avoidance mechanisms such as kin recognition.
机译:大多数哺乳动物展示了一个或两性的Natal Dispersal,这是一个可能演变的行为,以减少养殖与近亲的繁殖机会。当涉及两性的国家社会群体忠诚时,通过育种而不是社会群体中的繁殖,减少了近亲繁殖的风险。我们使用遗传和光识别数据调查了来自主夏威夷群岛(美国)的濒临灭绝的假杀手鲸冠军伪杀手冠军的交配模式。我们测试了2个最常见的近亲繁殖的避免行为的存在,即Natal Disperal和Exogamy(交配主要在不同社会群体中的个体中发生)。因为并非所有母亲在本研究之前都知道的所有母亲或个体年龄,我们使用重新目视的历史来确定个人的诞生年份,从而限制候选人父母的池和增加分析权。我们确定了32对父母后代对,揭示了两性的强烈的Natal社会团体忠诚。我们的结果表明,36至64%的营养区涉及来自同一社会群体的个体。由于人口从20世纪80年代和2000年代初期之间从400多到150人下降,而组内的分裂可能是自下降以来集体间交配机会的结果。在下降之前,社会群体可能已经足够大,以便开发近冻结避免机制的选择性压力很低,或者人口可能已经进化了替代的抵消避免机制,例如kin识别。



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