首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Engineering Research >Evaluating the Impact of Maintenance Principles and Strategies of a Steel Plant Performance in Nigeria: A Case Study

Evaluating the Impact of Maintenance Principles and Strategies of a Steel Plant Performance in Nigeria: A Case Study




This study evaluated the impact of maintenance principles and strategies on the performance ofmachines and equipment used atAladja steel plant formally known as Delta Steel Company (DSC) nowPremium Steel and Mines Limited in Nigeria. The study assesses the impact of maintenance on the output ofsteel production machines and equipment using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) metric whichprovided holistic measures of manufacturing machines and equipment’s overall operational performance. TheOEE of the plant was evaluated as 39.76% before the implementation of a major scheduled preventivemaintenance initiative and after successful implementation of the scheduled turn-around maintenance program,the computed OEE increased up to 51.22%. The increase in OEE score from 39.76% to 51.22% is a truemeasure of increase in machines and equipment performance that is as a result of the implemented maintenanceinitiative.The improved plant OEE of 51.22% is still far below the world class OEE value of 85% which meansthere is a lot of room for further improvement for machines and equipment utilization and performance. Theresearch revealed that to get higher OEE which means improved productivity, the type of maintenance strategythat is implemented plays significant role in machines and equipment performance. The study recommendsamongst others that the organization should consider full implementation of modern maintenance principlesand strategies like Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) and ReliabilityCentre Maintenance (RCM) to gain OEE’s benefit.
机译:本研究评估了维护原则和策略对阿尔塔拉德钢铁厂(DSC)现代钢铁公司(DSC)现代钢铁和尼日利亚矿业有限公司的使用型号和设备的影响。该研究评估了使用整体设备有效性(OEE)公制的整体设备有效性(OEE)的整体设备的整体措施和设备的整体运行性能的整体措施的影响。该植物的Theoee在实施主要定期预防因检的倡议和成功实施预定的扭转维修计划后,该植物的特色评估为39.76%,计算的OEE增加到51.22%。从39.76%的OEE分数增加到51.22%,是由于实施的维护原因的机器和设备性能的增加。51.22%的改善植物oee仍远低于世界级欧洲欧洲欧洲奥雷价值85%这意味着有很多空间,用于进一步改进机器和设备利用和性能。研究表明,要获得更高的OEE,意味着提高生产力,所实施的维护策略类型在机器和设备性能方面发挥着重要作用。该研究建议Amongst Amongst,该组织应考虑全面实施现代维护原则,如总生产力维护(TPM),条件的维护(CBM)和可靠性广州维护(RCM),以获得OEE的好处。



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