首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Pharmacology and Pharmacy >Acute Toxicity and Sedative-hypnotic Effects of Ethanol Stem Bark Extract and Fractions of Milicia excelsa (Moraceae) in Mice

Acute Toxicity and Sedative-hypnotic Effects of Ethanol Stem Bark Extract and Fractions of Milicia excelsa (Moraceae) in Mice

机译:小鼠乙醇茎胚胎提取物和小鼠Milicia Excelsa(Moraceae)的急性毒性和镇静催眠作用



Aim: Milicia excelsa stem bark is used as sedative and for treating mental illnesses among the Hausa tribe of Northern Nigeria, but there is no scientific rationale for its use. Hence, this study investigated the oral acute toxicity and sedative potential of ethanol stem bark extract, n-hexane, ethylacetate, n-butanol and aqueous fractions of the stem bark extract in mice. The phytoconstituents in the extract and fractions were quantified. Methodology: The acute toxicity of the extract and fractions were investigated using OECD guidelines 425 of 2008. The sedative effects of the extract and fractions were investigated using pentobarbital-, and ketamine-induced sleep tests. Results and discussion: The results obtained showed that the acute toxicity of the extract and fractions were > 5000 mg/kg, suggesting that the extract and fractions may be safe. The extract, n-hexane, ethylacetate and aqueous fractions significantly (p<0.05) reduced sleep latencies, indicative of sedative effects, effective for sleep induction, while the extract and all the fractions significantly (p<0.05) prolonged the sleep durations, suggesting sedative effects, effective for sleep maintenance. Conclusion: This study therefore, concluded that the extract and fractions may be safe. The study further concluded that the sedative effect of the extract and fractions may be due to the abundance of flavonoids in the extract and fractions. Thus, providing scientific rationale for its ethnomedicinal use. However, further study may be warranted to isolate and characterize the sleep promoting bioactive principles as well as carry out GABA binding assay of the isolated compound(s) in ESB and its various fractions.
机译:目的:Milicia Excelsa Stem Bark被用作镇静剂和治疗尼日利亚Hausa部落中的精神疾病,但没有科学理由。因此,本研究研究了小鼠中乙醇干树皮提取物,正己烷,乙酸乙酯,正丁醇和茎树皮提取物水分的口腔急性毒性和镇静潜力。萃取物和级分中的植物植物组分已定量。方法论:使用2008年的经合组织425,研究了提取物和级分的急性毒性。使用戊巴比妥和氯胺酮诱导的睡眠试验研究提取物和级分的镇静作用。结果与讨论:获得的结果表明,提取物和级分的急性毒性> 5000mg / kg,表明提取物和级分可能是安全的。提取物,正己烷,乙酸乙酯和含水级分(P <0.05)降低睡眠延迟,指示镇静效应,对睡眠诱导有效,而提取物和所有级分显着(P <0.05)延长了睡眠持续时间,提示镇静效果,睡眠维护有效。结论:本研究得出结论,提取物和级分可能是安全的。该研究进一步得出结论,提取物和馏分的镇静效应可能是由于提取物和级分中的丰富类化合物。因此,为其血统使用提供科学理由。然而,可能需要进一步研究以分离和表征睡眠促进生物活性原理,以及在ESB中进行分离的化合物的GABA结合测定及其各种级分。



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