首页> 外文期刊>Cell discovery. >Light-sheet fluorescence imaging charts the gastrula origin of vascular endothelial cells in early zebrafish embryos

Light-sheet fluorescence imaging charts the gastrula origin of vascular endothelial cells in early zebrafish embryos




It remains challenging to construct a complete cell lineage map of the origin of vascular endothelial cells in any vertebrate embryo. Here, we report the application of in toto light-sheet fluorescence imaging of embryos to trace the origin of vascular endothelial cells (ECs) at single-cell resolution in zebrafish. We first adapted a previously reported method to embryo mounting and light-sheet imaging, created an alignment, fusion, and extraction all-in-one software (AFEIO) for processing big data, and performed quantitative analysis of cell lineage relationships using commercially available Imaris software. Our data revealed that vascular ECs originated from broad regions of the gastrula along the dorsal–ventral and anterior–posterior axes, of which the dorsal–anterior cells contributed to cerebral ECs, the dorsal–lateral cells to anterior trunk ECs, and the ventral–lateral cells to posterior trunk and tail ECs. Therefore, this work, to our knowledge, charts the first comprehensive map of the gastrula origin of vascular ECs in zebrafish, and has potential applications for studying the origin of any embryonic organs in zebrafish and other model organisms.
机译:构建任何脊椎动物胚胎中的血管内皮细胞起源的完整细胞谱图地图仍然具有挑战性。在这里,我们报告胚胎的Toto光板荧光成像的应用,以追踪斑马鱼单细胞分辨率的血管内皮细胞(ECS)的来源。我们首先将先前报道的胚胎安装和光板成像的方法改编,创建了用于处理大数据的对准,融合和提取一体化软件(AFEIO),并使用商业上可用的iMaris对细胞谱系关系进行定量分析软件。我们的数据显示,血管ECS来自沿背侧 - 前轴的胃肠腹部的宽区域,其中背侧细胞有助于脑EC,背侧细胞到前躯干EC和腹侧 - 后躯干细胞和尾部ECS。因此,这项工作向我们的知识绘制了斑马鱼血管ECS的胃肠血管源的第一综合图,并具有研究斑马鱼和其他模型生物中任何胚胎器官的起源的潜在应用。



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