首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vision >Domain-General Representation of Visual Aesthetic Appreciation in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex

Domain-General Representation of Visual Aesthetic Appreciation in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex




Are there a??domain-generala?? neural processes that support aesthetic appreciation regardless of stimulus type, similar to the encoding of abstract expected value of goods? Recent work examining face and place attractiveness reported a common representation of attractiveness in medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC; Pegors et al., in press). We sought to test a) whether moving aesthetic experiences with artwork and architecture, artifacts of human culture that show much more individualistic preferences than landscapes or faces, rely on similar domain-general patterns of activation in MPFC, and b) whether such putative domain-general mechanisms overlap with the default-mode network (DMN), previously shown to be engaged by highly moving artworks (Vessel et al., 2012). Thirteen observers made aesthetic judgments (a??how much does this image move you?a??) about images of artworks, natural landscapes, or architecture on a continuous scale while being scanned using fMRI. Classifiers were trained to distinguish most vs. least moving trials using patterns of trialwise BOLD responses. When provided data from the entire MPFC, classifiers trained on one category and tested on another performed better than chance for all train/test combinations (63-67%, p 0.01), providing evidence for a domain-general aesthetic mechanism in the MPFC. Furthermore, classifiers trained on patterns from a spatially restricted ROI corresponding to the left anterior MPFC portion of the DMN (derived from subject-specific a??resta?? scans), also performed better than chance (55-62%, p 0.02), providing strong evidence that this portion of the DMN contains domain-general information about aesthetic appreciation. We also found that when classifiers were trained and tested on images of the same category (halfwise-split; using the entire MPFC), performance was best for artworks (72%, p 0.01), followed by landscapes (60%, p 0.05), and lastly architecture (53%, n.s.), which suggests that MPFC as a whole contained more information about the aesthetic appeal of artworks than for the other categories.
机译:是否有一个???????无论刺激类型如何,都支持审美欣赏的神经过程,类似于对商品抽象期望值的编码?最近研究面部和位置吸引力的工作报告了内侧前额叶皮层的吸引力的一种常见表示形式(MPFC; Pegors等人,印刷中)。我们试图测试a)艺术品和建筑的美学体验,人类文化的手工艺品是否具有比风景或面孔更多的个人主义偏好,是否依赖于MPFC中类似的领域一般激活模式,以及b)此类推定领域是否-通用机制与默认模式网络(DMN)重叠,该模式先前已被活跃的艺术品所采用(Vessel等,2012)。十三名观察者对使用fMRI进行扫描的艺术品,自然景观或建筑的图像进行了美学判断(该图像能使您移动多少?a ??)。训练分类器使用逐次BOLD响应模式来区分大多数移动与最小移动试验。当从整个MPFC提供数据时,在一个类别上进行训练并在另一类别上进行测试的分类器在所有训练/测试组合中的表现均好于偶然(63-67%,p <0.01),为MPFC中的领域一般美学机制提供了证据。此外,从与DMN的左前MPFC部分相对应的受空间限制的ROI进行模式训练的分类器(源自受试者特定的a ?? resta ??扫描),也比偶然性好(55-62%,p <0.02) ),提供有力的证据表明DMN的这一部分包含有关审美欣赏的领域一般信息。我们还发现,当对分类器进行相同类别(半分割;使用整个MPFC的图像)的训练和测试时,对艺术品的表现最佳(72%,p <0.01),其次是风景(60%,p < 0.05),最后是建筑(53%,ns),这表明MPFC作为一个整体比其他类别包含了更多关于艺术品的美学吸引力的信息。



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