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PEPD is a pivotal regulator of p53 tumor suppressor




p53 tumor suppressor responds to various cellular stresses and regulates cell fate. Here, we show that peptidase D (PEPD) binds and suppresses over half of nuclear and cytoplasmic p53 under normal conditions, independent of its enzymatic activity. Eliminating PEPD causes cell death and tumor regression due to p53 activation. PEPD binds to the proline-rich domain in p53, which inhibits phosphorylation of nuclear p53 and MDM2-mediated mitochondrial translocation of nuclear and cytoplasmic p53. However, the PEPD-p53 complex is critical for p53 response to stress, as stress signals doxorubicin and H2O2 each must free p53 from PEPD in order to achieve robust p53 activation, which is mediated by reactive oxygen species. Thus, PEPD stores p53 for the?stress response, but this also renders cells dependent on PEPD for survival, as it suppresses p53. This finding provides further understanding of p53 regulation and may have significant implications for?the treatment of cancer and other diseases.
机译:p53肿瘤抑制因子对各种细胞应激作出反应并调节细胞命运。在这里,我们显示肽酶D(PEPD)在正常条件下会结合并抑制超过一半的核和细胞质p53,而与其酶活性无关。消除PEPD会由于p53激活而导致细胞死亡和肿瘤消退。 PEPD与p53中富含脯氨酸的结构域结合,从而抑制p53核的磷酸化以及MDM2介导的p53和细胞质的线粒体易位。然而,PEPD-p53复合物对于p53对压力的反应至关重要,因为应激信号阿霉素和H2O2都必须使p53脱离PEPD才能实现鲁棒的p53活化,而活化由活性氧介导。因此,PEPD存储p53用于应激反应,但这也使细胞依赖于PEPD存活,因为它抑制p53。该发现提供了对p53调节的进一步理解,并且可能对癌症和其他疾病的治疗具有重要意义。



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